Formulating School Policy

A School Policy on Bullying

Having a policy helps to combat bullying if:

  • everyone knows what the policy is
  • the policy is applied consistently
  • everyone believes in the policy.

Things to discuss in developing a policy:

What counts as bullying in your school? 

What are the aims of your policy to consist of?

Think about:

  • preventing bullying
  • dealing with bullying if it occurs
  • building on your school discipline policy
  • fitting in with your social education policy.


What is the policy to consist of?

Think about:

  • raising awareness through the curriculum
  • giving pupils opportunities to talk about bullying in general
  • supervision of key areas of the school
  • procedures for investigating incidents
  • guidelines for listening to victims, witnesses and bullies.

Who is going to do what?

Can you identify specific responsibilities for specific people: teachers, pupils, parents, ancillary staff?

How are you going to get the policy over to all concerned?

Can you involve the school board, teaching/non-teaching staff, pupils and others?


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